Many employees are still working from home. Employers need to formulate a plan to help keep employees healthy once they return to the workplace. Companies are starting to consider a return to the workplace, or at least a partial return. The general Government position is, currently: Coronavirus (COVID-19): what you need to do Stay at

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As a result of the UK lockdown in response to the coronavirus pandemic many buildings have been closed and unoccupied for several weeks. When businesses start returning to work and buildings are reopened several factors need to be considered; these are being considered in a series of blog articles posted on this site. One risk

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What is hot-desking Hot desking is the use of non-allocated workstations. These workspaces can be used by any employee, from any department or level, on any given day. Many businesses have chosen to ban hot-desking during these times, to ensure the potential for infection is reduced. Our recommendation would be to avoid hot-desking where possible. If

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