Health and Safety Consultants working across the UK
It is essential to investigate accidents, near-misses, and incidents soon after they occur and it is important to learn from them. We offer a health and safety incident and accident investigation support service.
Too many organisations fail to learn from the non-injury events, such as near misses. This is a shame as these are effectively free opportunities for learning valuable lessons, and for making changes before people are harmed. If you want to know how, then contact us about out Accident Investigation Training.
At LRB Consulting, we have experience of carrying out incident and accident investigation support on a whole range of incidents – both big and small.
Incident and accident investigations are a necessary, part of health and safety management and an essential element of the monitoring process that you are required to carry out. Incidents, including near misses, can tell you a lot about how things are in reality:
An investigation can help you identify why the existing risk control measures failed and what improvements or additional measures are needed. It can:
It’s never too late for us to provide you with the incident and accident investigation support that you need, although the earlier we are involved, the bigger effect we can have. Ideally, contact us soon after the event and we can help you prepare for any enforcement visits, insurers reports, and other consequences to help put your organisation in the best light.